Aug 11 8:05 AM

We Are One With Christ

Aug 11 8:05 AM
Aug 11 8:05 AM


Wednesday, August 9, 2021

1 Corinthians 6:17

Sometimes you can feel like God is far off, like he's just way away from you. A lot of times this can be because we get involved in the activities of our day, and we don't give God a second thought. We're so preoccupied with what we have to do or what needs to be done, that he just seems like he's far away. At other times, we could be longing for an answer from God, we're longing for direction, we're looking for something from God, and he just seems to be far off. The sky seems to be hard, our prayers seem to bounce off the clouds, and he just doesn't seem to be there. Well, there's good news if you have ever felt either one of those situations were true of your life and that God was distant.

1 Corinthians 6:17 says this, "But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit." If you have given your life to the Lord, asked him to forgive your sin, believe that He died for you on the cross and that he was raised from the dead, then you have been baptized in him. If you belong to Jesus Christ, then you are one in spirit with him. The implications of this are just huge. It means that wherever you go, the Holy Spirit of God lives in you. The Lord Himself is with you. It means that those things that describe him - ex. righteousness and holiness - those are all yours, because he's one with you, and you with him. This is cause for great celebration and great joy because no matter what you're going through, you are one with the Lord. If you're suffering today, the Lord Jesus is with you, one with you in spirit, and he's suffering with you. If you're rejoicing today, he's one with you and rejoicing with you. Jesus Christ is with you today. And that is cause for great, great joy.
