We offer classes that help you discover the core beliefs and practices of the Christian life so that no matter where you are spiritually, you can grow.

Each Discover Class is a little different, designed to help you in a specific area of spiritual growth. Some classes are one-time meetings, like Discover Baptism and Discover Membership. Others meet multiple times, including Discover Christianity and Discover Christian Living. And others, like Discover Lakeshore and Discover Your Purpose, are offered online.


Discover Lakeshore


Discover Lakeshore will help you understand what it means to be a Christian and discover the vision, values, history, and beliefs that drive Lakeshore.

Discover Lakeshore is offered exclusively online for your convenience. It consists of video sessions with our Senior Pastor, Vince DiPaola, that you can complete at your own pace. Once finished, you'll have the chance to explore becoming a Member at Lakeshore by taking Discover Membership, a brief, in-person meeting with Pastor Vince where you can ask questions and apply to become a Member.

Find out more about Discover Membership and when the next meeting is here.

Get Started Now

If you have any issues accessing the online course, please contact us.

Discover Membership



May 18, 2025 • 1:00pm

Discover Membership is offered for those who have completed Discover Lakeshore. You'll have a chance to have your questions answered and understand the process of applying to become a Lakeshore Member and what it means to be one.

Discover Membership is offered quarterly in person and consists of an approximately one-hour meeting with our Senior Pastor, Vince DiPaola, where you'll have the chance to ask any questions you have about our church, beliefs, mission, etc, and learn more about what it means to be a Member at Lakeshore. Then, if God leads you, you can formally apply for membership. 

In order to take Discover Membership, you need to first complete Discover Lakeshore, a foundational course on our history, values, beliefs, and mission. When you finish Discover Lakeshore, you'll be given instructions on how to register for the next Discover Membership class. Learn more about Discover Lakeshore here.





Discover Your Purpose will help you discover, deploy, and develop your gifts and personality to devote yourself to making an eternal impact for God and others.

Discover Your Purpose is offered in two parts: an online portion consisting of video sessions with Pastor Frank De Luccio and Elder Tom Saluzzo, followed by a 1.5-hour in-person session where you'll have the chance to talk about what you learned, go over your assessments and profiles, and match you with a ministry team based on your unique gifts.

You can start the online portion whenever you'd like. The next in-person session of Discover Your Purpose will take place on Sunday, May 18 at 1:00pm.


If you have any issues accessing the online course, please contact us.


Discover Christianity


Next Class: Spring Session Starts April 29

Discover Christianity, formerly known as First Steps, will help you understand the six basics of the Christian faith. It's offered in a small group setting. 

Discover Christian Living


Discover Christian Living, formerly known as Second Steps, will help you to understand more about who Jesus is and how to live the Christian life.

The next round of classes will be announced soon. You can always check to see if registration is open by visiting our signups page.

Discover Baptism


Discover Baptism will help you understand the role of baptism in the Christian faith and how you can be baptized as a follower of Christ at Lakeshore. 

Offered the second Sunday of each month, there's no need to sign up. Get more info here.


We're here to help you in your journey as you grow and we understand that you may have questions. Please contact us whenever you need help!