FEBRUARY 22, 2024
Pastor Frank did an amazing job at kicking off our new series, Taking Charge of Your Life, talking about how to take charge of your physical health and why it’s so important. This week, we are going to spend some time talking about something that probably doesn’t get talked about enough.
Let’s be honest. We all feel something at any given moment. Emotions, both positive and negative, can greatly affect our mood, outlook, and interactions with people. Some people are really good at managing their emotions, while others aren’t even aware they have emotions. The truth is that emotional health is a real thing and is critical for us to master. How emotionally healthy are you?
Being emotionally healthy is a lot more than just finding emotional balance and stability. If you’re ready for part 2, or maybe just curious about emotional health, I want to encourage you to join us this Sunday as we continue learning the biblical principles to take charge of your life and close the gap between who you are today and who God created you to be.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Brian
Weekly notes from OUR Pastors, Staff, & Leaders
The Thursday Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week. It's sent out each week in our email newsletter, which also includes a list of featured events, opportunities, and more.