Apr 6:13 PM


Apr 6:13 PM
Apr 6:13 PM


Lakeshore Friends—

There is not a lot to hope for in our world today.  COVID, war, inflation, crime, violence and so much more have taken a quantum leap up and that has in turn threatened to take our hopefulness down… down in a big way. 

But the Good News is that Jesus Christ can give us hope in any and every situation because of His resurrection!  Facing the most hopeless situation of all time, death, Jesus rose from death into a new resurrected life; a first in human history.  And 1 Peter 1:3 tells us that His resurrection can also give us a new life that fills us with a living hope, that is, a hope that is enduring despite everything happening around us today. 

On Easter weekend, we’ll learn how to find and experience this Easter hope through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ!  The services on Saturday night and Sunday morning are identical and will infuse you with hope like nothing else can.

I hope you’ll be here and that you’ll invite others to meet you here.  They will be encouraged as well! 

Please pray for the services to be used by God to help you and everyone who attends.





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