Feb 6:39 PM


Feb 6:39 PM
Feb 6:39 PM


Lakeshore Friends—

I hope you enjoyed Super Bowl Sunday, especially the best part which was being together as a church.  We get to tell God we love Him and to grow in our faith together.  As for the game, I enjoyed it (even if I wanted the Bengals to win), but not nearly as much as I did being with you in church.  I hope you did too!

Which brings me to this thought... 

It’s amazing how excited people get about football games and the Super Bowl (me included), and yet how nonchalant these same people are about the excitement of worshipping God and growing in our understanding of Him (me NOT included).  I realize so many people who really don’t care for God are going to act that way— you can’t expect someone to act like a Christian until they are one.  My amazement is centered on the fact that this “excitement discrepancy” is present in people who say they are Christians and say they love Jesus.  Which raises a question: if you get more excited about football (or insert any other thing here) than you do about Jesus and His church, what does that say?

The answer is pretty clear.

Our goal in this “Why I Love The Church” series is to get us all to fall in love with the church more and to make it the high point of our lives.  Jesus did that (Ephesians 5:25-27), so if we desire more of Jesus in our lives and want to be more like Him, then we will too.

As restrictions are being relaxed and we learn to live with COVID (which will be with us for the foreseeable future), I hope we will continue to have people return and continue to see more new people attend and become Christians. 

Having more people love Jesus and His wife (aka the church, the bride of Christ) is what life is ultimately about.



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