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Dec 01 8:46 AM

TOP 10: Trusting in God (Originally Published 3-10-2021)

Dec 01 8:46 AM
Dec 01 8:46 AM


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Psalm 131:1-3


TOP 10 LIFE LIFTERS: For the next few weeks, we'll be re-releasing some of the top Life Lifters we've ever published since we started this devotional series. Join us as we look back at popular topics like prayer, joy, trust, and hope!




Today we're going to be dealing with the topic of trusting in God. I know that sounds like a big topic, but it's really about trusting in Him when we're dealing with life and things are completely out of our control. We're going to look at Psalm 131. It says, "O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; Nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me. Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, my soul is like a weaned child within me. O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forever."

I see three main things here. In verse one, he says, "O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; Nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me." The author's being completely honest and humble. Be honest and be humble. Be honest that you can't do it. God doesn't want someone with all the answers who thinks they have it all figured out and they're just overconfident as a result. Be humble. Humility is recognizing that it's not all about you. My son, Eli, is my youngest of four. Because he's so short right now, when he goes to get a glass and get a drink or get a bowl for his cereal in the morning, he often has to ask for help because he knows he just can't reach it. It's okay to be humble. It's okay to be honest.

In verse two: "Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, my soul is like a weaned child within me." What's he doing there? He's talking about contentment. First, he says in verse one, be humble and be honest. Then, in verse two, he says to be content. I've composed and quieted my soul. I'm content where I am, just like a weaned child rests against his mother. It's just like that bond that a mother can meet the needs of a child and that child rests against after feeding. Then there is contentment and quiet. So be honest and humble, be content, and then lastly, be hopeful.

"Oh, my soul, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever." From this time forth and forever, be hopeful for what God has for you to come. How you ultimately trust God has everything to do with you and has nothing to do with you. You have to be humble. You have to be honest. You have to be content. You have to be hopeful. Ultimately, though, it is God in whom we trust.

Let me pray. Father, we thank you that we can solely trust in you, not having to look anywhere else. But Father, sometimes it's very difficult, especially when life gets out of control and things we just can't seem to keep a grasp on them. I pray that we can learn from this passage and that we can employ these things in our own lives, that Lord, before you, we can be honest and humble, Lord, that we can be content and we can be hopeful. We thank you in Jesus' name, amen.
