Dec 3:09 PM

Christmas is Jesus

Dec 3:09 PM
Dec 3:09 PM

DECEMBER 19, 2024

Lakeshore Friends—

What have we done with Jesus at Christmas?

When we look around, we rarely see Him anywhere. Most home decorations don’t include Him, but they do include other characters like Santa, reindeer, the Grinch, and snowmen. Lots of conversations exclude Him, but we hear a lot about having a happy holiday instead of Merry Christmas. News shows talk a lot about shopping and sales numbers, but not much about the real reason for the season (which isn’t really about money). I could go on and on, but I think you would agree that Jesus has been lost in all the activity. God’s Son has been pushed aside for cheap substitutes.

As I said on Sunday, if one of those mysterious drones flying around our airspace was to land on earth and some intelligent life walked out of it and tried to figure out what all they observed was all about, it’s unlikely they would conclude that it was all a reflection and celebration of the birth of the God who became man, Jesus Christ. There’s just so little around us to indicate what Christmas is truly all about.

That’s where we come into play. God calls us to “be Jesus” to the people we engage with. We can help them see Him, and the Christmas season is one of the best times to do it.

I hope you’ll help others see Jesus through how you live and what you share with them. One of the opportunities you have available right now is to invite friends and family to church on Sunday and Christmas Eve. People need Him and we can help them see the Jesus that so few people really think much about.

What will you do with Jesus at Christmas?




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