Why are people drawn to Jesus?
Mar 12:02 PM

Why are people drawn to Jesus?

Mar 12:02 PM
Mar 12:02 PM

MARCH 14, 2024


Lakeshore Friends—

In Matthew 24:4-5, Jesus talked about how in the last days that there would be lots of deception, especially the deception that many will claim to be Christ.  He also predicted that many would actually be deceived by this.  Sadly, we are already seeing it all around us today.  It is heartbreaking to witness.

Last Sunday, as we began our new series, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up, we talked about the most foundational error people make about Jesus with respect to His character.  Anyone who truly believes in the true Jesus should know that he is both 100 percent God and 100 percent human all at the same time.  It’s not one or the other, it’s not a 50/50 blending, and it’s not different modes of God.  Jesus had to be 100/100 for us to call Him our Savior.  While it may not make total sense to our rational mind, it should be no surprise that an infinite, transcendent God is not always fully grasped by our finite, sin-impacted minds.  If you missed last Sunday’s important and foundational message to this series, you can watch it here.


"The right view of Jesus is the only way to experience a truly vibrant relationship with Him."


I feel so passionate about the importance of understanding Jesus accurately because whether through indifference or ignorance people are believing lies that could keep them from trusting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and as a result spending eternity apart from Him.  I also feel that too many Christians need to have a deeper view of Jesus than they do.  I tire of the shallow characterization of Jesus that is often presented by others.

The right view of Jesus is the only way to experience a truly vibrant relationship with Him. 

I want to ask you to invite people who need to know about the greatness of the true, biblical Jesus this Sunday.  I also hope that you’ll make attending your top priority this and every week, but especially for this important and inspiring look at Jesus.  I think for everyone who does, their Easter will be even more special.

Grab a yard sign, invite cards, or text someone and then ask God to bring those you invited.  The stakes are too high to do anything less.

One more thing: As Easter approaches, it's not too late to make your commitment to fast and pray. You can do that here.

Much love,


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