Sep 3:19 PM

What's going on these days?

Sep 3:19 PM
Sep 3:19 PM

SEPTEMBER 26, 2024

Lakeshore Friends—

What in the world is happening today?

Everywhere you turn, you hear more bad news taking place locally, nationally, and globally. And on top of all of this, there are threats of more bad news on the time horizon. It would be hard for anyone with a straight face to say things are getting better these days. In fact, about two thirds of Americans think they are getting worse. I wonder why the other one third doesn't think the same. 

Well, to answer my original question, the world is going exactly where God is leading it to go. Before you ask why God is letting the world get worse, ask yourself the question, "Why are we as a people forsaking God and His words of life and wisdom?"  Answer that last question and you'll have the answer to the why question. 

God has a clear plan for the future that He shares with us in the Bible, and that will be my subject for the next four weeks as we begin a new series called, "What in the World is Happening?"  We'll look at four interesting topics that are important for us to understand if we want to grasp what God is doing today.

I can't think of a better topic that will scratch where curious people are itching today. People want to know what's happening and where things are going. If you have friends like this, please invite them to join you for church this Sunday. I promise we'll do our very best to clearly and compellingly explain God's plan for all that is going on. 

Send a text, make a call, pay a visit, and do whatever it takes to invite people to Lakeshore. It will help them. 

I look forward to seeing you and them on Sunday. 



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