What is the gospel?
Aug 7:31 PM

What is the gospel?

Aug 7:31 PM
Aug 7:31 PM

AUGUST 31, 2023




When you hear the word “gospel”, what do you think of?  Lots of people have no really clear or accurate answer.

Some think it’s a part of a formal, liturgical church service.  Some thinks it’s a genre of music.  Some think it’s limited to the title of some books in the beginning of the New Testament.  Some think it’s just a religious word with no practical meaning for their lives.  The truth is that the gospel is so much more than any of these limiting ideas.

So what is the gospel?  Why is it as important as anything imaginable?  Why is it important to understand what it is?  Why is it important that we learn how to communicate it and how to live it?

That’s what we’ll be looking at in a new series starting on Sunday called, Why We Call It Good News.  I’m going to provide answers to these questions and so much more.  I think this is an important series for those of us who really want to take our faith seriously, and that’s because everything about the gospel is serious business.  Nothing can alter the eternal destiny of life than the proper grasp of the gospel.

So if you want to understand the gospel, I hope you’ll be here on Sunday as we celebrate Labor Day weekend and start the wind down of summer.




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