Jun 2:57 PM


Jun 2:57 PM
Jun 2:57 PM


Lakeshore Friends—

Being a fantastic father in the world today is hard and our identity is under a severe attack.  With all due respect to the very real challenges that women face, men are facing stiff challenges that we never have before.  Masculinity is under a massive assault everywhere.  Culture increasingly tries to restrict men from leading their family, from acting differently than women through the myth of androgyny, and from doing what God called us to do— namely to protect and provide for our family.

Yes, there are men who have painted a pretty sorry picture of manhood, but there are many men who want what’s best for their family, their community, and the world.  Men who are devoted to Jesus are at the top of the list, and we don’t want to (and even won’t) accept these attacks to our identity.  For those of us in this camp, that’s a good thing.

As we approach Father’s Day on Sunday, we will honor every man in our church during part of our service.  We will also have some special treats for everyone including a Lugia’s Ice Cream truck and some nice classic cars in our back parking lot.  We want to celebrate manhood and fatherhood because our Father in heaven does.

So if you want to be affirmed and built up men, be at church with your family as we celebrate you for who you are as men.

Thanks guys for standing up for manhood and for being great men, fathers, and husbands.  We support and stand with you!




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