Apr 5:23 PM

To marry or not to marry

Apr 5:23 PM
Apr 5:23 PM

APRIL 20, 2023



One of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life— maybe the second biggest after the decision to become a Christian— is whether to get married or to stay single (or to remain single after you’ve lost a spouse for whatever reason).  Your decision will have life-changing consequences for yourself, the other person you get married to, and the world around us.

Marriage will impact you in a major way because now you’ll be living for both yourself and for the person you marry.  That’s because you will be called by God to pursue intimacy with another person who is likely very different than you and also fairly imperfect like you too.  The “two becoming one” process will take hard work, but it can lead to great joy personally and to children born into the loving context of marriage, as God designed.

Being or remaining single will also impact you in a major way.  You’ll be living on your own and with your own desires in mind.  That’s because you will be called to a lifestyle that does not involve the “one flesh” intimacy that only comes in the context of marriage (at least, when it is done God’s way).  It will take discipline and individual determination, but it can lead to great joy as well for reasons that are somewhat different than the married person might find.

So which is better for you?  Which one does God prefer?  Is one better than the other?  The answers in the Bible may surprise you.

One thing I absolutely do know is that God wants us to seek Him and His will in this decision.  Because it is the second biggest decision we can ever make.




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