Showing the LOVE of Christ
Aug 4:26 PM

Showing the LOVE of Christ

Aug 4:26 PM
Aug 4:26 PM

AUGUST 10, 2023




The Beatles were not all that off when they sang, “All You Need Is Love”.  As you look around it is easy to see how our world has become so unloving and cold.  It’s to the point that LOVE is like a rare gem and is something that people desperately need to experience in their lives. 

As we’ve been learning on Sunday mornings in the Fruit(Full) series, LOVE is the basis for all of the characteristics that make up the Fruit of the Spirit. We have a great opportunity to show our community some LOVE coming up through LOVE WEEK.  From August 19 – 26, we'll be sending more than 225 volunteers to 17 project sites to meet a need in our community, all while showing them the LOVE of Jesus Christ.  Have you signed up for a project yet?  We still need about 70 volunteers to fill the remaining spots.  You can click here to register or stop by the LOVE WEEK table in the Atrium this Sunday to sign up.

I hope you will help us fill up the remaining spots so we can show our community some much needed LOVE.

Make a great day!
Frank D.



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