Oct 10:26 AM

It's not enough to just discover Christ

Oct 10:26 AM
Oct 10:26 AM

OCTOBER 6, 2022


Lakeshore friends—

One of the great tragedies I see all the time (and all around our country) is people who have discovered faith in Jesus Christ and seem to be okay with not going much further in their faith beyond that decision.  Sometimes the reason is that their decision was not a true decision for Jesus, and that explains it clearly.  But other times, it is a case of being fine with believing in Jesus, asking Him into my life by faith, and not doing much more than that. 

That’s tragic.  If you were to ask someone who is in this spot in their faith some spiritual questions, too often their answers may sound like this:


“Are you reading the Bible regularly to get to know God and truth better?” “I’m too tired to read it.”
“Are you connecting with other Christians at church and in a small group so you help each other grow?” “I’m just too busy for all that.”
“Are you using your gifts in the way the New Testament teaches so that you help Christ’s church thrive?” “I’m not sure I can help.”
“Are you putting Jesus and His will first in every decision you make to glorify God and to find true joy in your life?” “Sometimes.”
“Are you giving back to God a tithe of what He has given to you?” “Um, have you seen my bills?”



Jesus promises us an abundant life if we take the next steps beyond simply discovering faith in Jesus, and that’s what we’ll talk about on Sunday as we continue our series, 3D Christianity

If you want to live a truly fulfilling Christian life instead of the bland, consumeristic version we see around us, this series is for you.  You can watch last week’s kick-off message here, and you can see our “3D flowchart” showing each stage here.

Hope to see you here on Sunday (and Thursday, October 6 for Midweek Bible Study),




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