Oct 11:42 AM

Invest + Invite

Oct 11:42 AM
Oct 11:42 AM

OCTOBER 20, 2022


Lakeshore Friends—

Now that our 3D Christianity series is over, the “living it out” part still lies ahead of us.  Whether you are still discovering (remember that if you really seek God with your heart you will find Him), or are learning to consistently develop your faith (recall the “grow, know, row, and show” plan?), the ultimate goal is to progress to the declare stage— that place where we are the salt and the light for people who need it (Matthew 5:13-16). Most people in our world really need it!

The key to declaring your faith is to INVEST + INVITE— that is to invest yourself into people “right where they are” and then to invite them to faith and to church.  If you missed last Sunday’s important message, be sure to watch it here.

For our entire history, we have been an Invest + Invite church.  Our services are created with this in mind.  Hundreds of lives have been transformed because of this.  Yours may be one of them. We are putting a renewed emphasis on the Invest + Invite strategy and we want you to be a part of it!  It starts with a desire to see people around you come to faith in Jesus.

If that’s you, I want to encourage you to complete an Invest + Invite card at church and put it up next to the many that are up right now.  We’re going to be praying together for these people to allow us to engage them with the love of Jesus.

Nothing compares to the joy of helping one person find faith in Jesus Christ.  If you agree, join us in the Invest + Invite cause.




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