Mar 10:22 AM

I'm supposed to teach?

Mar 10:22 AM
Mar 10:22 AM

MARCH 9, 2023


Hey Lakeshore,

What if I told you that YOU, as a disciple, are commanded to teach other believers to obey the things that Christ has commanded?

How would that change the way that you are currently living your life? WOULD it change the way that you are living? Would it change the way that you interact with others around you? Would it change how you treat your family? Would it change the things that you do on a day-to-day basis? Would it change how often it is that you serve in Lakeshore and in the community of Rochester? How much of your everyday life would change if you knew that it was YOUR responsibility as a disciple, to teach?




Because it is. Jesus, in Matthew 28:19, says that we are to teach other disciples to obey those things that he has commanded. It isn’t a suggestion, it is a commandment for every single disciple, regardless of who you are or how long it is that you have been a Christian. This is what we are supposed to do in order to take part in this Great Commission that Christ has given.

I can’t wait to unpack this more on Sunday! I hope to see you there!

Pastor Antoine


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