Aug 4:47 PM

Faith expressing itself in love

Aug 4:47 PM
Aug 4:47 PM

AUGUST 8, 2024


Lakeshore Friends—

As we learn more about faith in our series in Hebrews 11, we’re learning how to express it in practical ways.  One the most important is to express our faith through our love.  In Galatians 5:6b the apostle Paul wrote, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in love.”  A strong faith will find ways to demonstrate bold love.

That’s what LOVE WEEK is all about.  In just a little over a week, we’ll begin showing our community the love of Jesus through our faith put into action.  After all, faith without works is dead.

I think it’s really important to understand what we are and are not doing this for.  We are not just doing this to do nice things for nice people so that they will think that we are…. well, nice.  We are doing all of this so that people will think that Jesus Christ is amazing.  So that they see how he would inspire total strangers to do things for others with no expectations for something in return.  So that they see what God’s love looks like.  And ultimately, so that they might consider the gospel and find their own faith in Jesus (or if they are already Christians, be strengthened in their faith in Him).

Every day that passes in my life creates an increased sense of urgency that the gospel must be the ultimate focus of all I do.  I ask myself more often these days how I can try to share my life with others so that a door for the gospel might be opened, like Paul explained in Colossians 4:2-6.

It’s not too late to join a LOVE WEEK project.  Most importantly, it’s never too late to show your faith in the way you love people, and to do so with a heart for people to hear the gospel from us and become Christians.

Our world desperately needs it.



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