Oct 11:47 AM

Ever feel discouraged?

Oct 11:47 AM
Oct 11:47 AM

OCTOBER 24, 2024

Lakeshore Friends—

Many years ago, I heard a quote from a great Christian Pastor of yester-year and it so moved me that I remembered it all these years later.  The man was A.W. Tozer and he said this: Preach to the brokenhearted and you’ll never lack for an audience. How true that is, especially today!

Everyone knows what it feels like to be discouraged.  People walk around with a heavy load of discouragement on their shoulders and wonder what to do about it.  So what do you do when you’re discouraged?  When you’re feeling discouraged by others?  Or discouraged by your own failings?  Or even disappointed with God? 

For the next four weeks, I want to “preach to the brokenhearted” with encouraging words in a new four week series, “Defeating Discouragement.”  In this series, we will survey select Psalms in the Old Testament to find answers to provide deep encouragement in our times of personal discouragement. 

Need some encouragement?  Know anyone who does?  Be sure to be here with friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to find practical principles to overcome discouragement from the Psalmists who will show us how it worked for them in the Psalms.



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