Dec 11:57 AM

Christmas from over God’s shoulder

Dec 11:57 AM
Dec 11:57 AM

DECEMBER 15, 2022


Lakeshore Friends—

One of the most significant lessons I have learned over the past few years that has helped me navigate the ups and downs of life is this: when I see life from God’s perspective, it always provides me the most comfort and makes the most sense.

When I look at life from my own limited perspective, I don’t see it right.  I don’t appreciate it fully.  And I don’t enjoy it very much either.  But when I try to see things from God’s perspective, then life’s circumstances (both good and bad) start to make much more sense.

That’s because only God is sovereign, all-knowing, loving, and has a purpose for the life of every person who follows Jesus that is perfect. 

Often at Christmas, we think a lot about ourselves and other people.  Maybe we ought to think more about what it was like for God to orchestrate the events of Christmas.  If we did, we’d get His perspective on this amazing event and maybe it would make the most sense.

I hope you’ll spend some time thinking about all that God did on Christmas and how His perfect plan was.  If you see Christmas from this perspective, life will make so much more sense for you.  I think you’ll appreciate and enjoy it so much more.

As always, we’re here to help you on that journey this holy season.



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