Dec 12:38 PM

An opportunity to show real love

Dec 12:38 PM
Dec 12:38 PM

DECEMBER 1, 2022


Lakeshore Friends—

At least 2,063,443 meals!  

When the four packing events are completed this Friday and Saturday for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) here at Lakeshore, and we finish packing at least another 163,000 meals on these days, that will be our total after 11 years of packing.

If you have participated in at least one of these events, you know that it can be a really powerful experience.  In fact, it is ultimately a spiritually powerful experience.  Consider what kind of impact it will have on people who otherwise would not have these meals to eat and the impact it will have on them when they know that people who love Jesus packed for and paid for it all.  I know that people will be in heaven because of our giving.

We can all show real love to people through FMSC (and other missions projects) when we support Making Waves 2023.

This FMSC event will cost us about $45,000 and the only way we could pay for that is through our commitment to supporting Making Waves 2023.  Not only that, but an additional $30,000 will pay for meals in Nicaragua (through ORPHANetwork), for people in Rochester (through Streets For Christ and LOVE Week), and for other smaller projects.

Will you use this opportunity to help the less fortunate, people who are worse off than virtually all of us?  While our challenge is inflation, many people today are facing the challenge of starvation.  When we think of life that way, it puts things into perspective.

You can show real love when you pledge and give to Making Waves 2023.  I hope you’ll pray and ask God what part He would want you to play.

BTW, there are still some spots available on Saturday at 8:30am and at 2:30pm. You can sign up here.




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