Jun 6:34 PM

Conquering Conflict With Others

Jun 6:34 PM
Jun 6:34 PM

JUNE 16, 2022


Lakeshore Friends—

When the earth’s population exceeded one, conflict became inevitable. That’s literally true according to Genesis 3!  

People in the same families, at work, in neighborhoods, and everywhere else can run into conflict with others and it can lead to hard feelings, hurt emotions, and even hateful animosity.  It’s all around us and it’s becoming an accepted norm by people these days as our culture continues its coarsening. 

So what are the causes of conflict?  What are the cures for conflict?  Is there a bullet-proof process to follow for conflict resolution?  And does being a Christian sometimes lead to increased conflict with others?  We’ll answer all these questions in this important three-week series that I know will help everyone learn the skills to conquer conflict.

This Sunday is also Father’s Day and we will honor all the fathers and men in our church.  Being a man is a tall task in this society that loves to tear others down, and unfortunately, that is especially true of men.  But at Lakeshore, we’ll honor and pray for all the guys at church.  We’re with you!

I hope you’ll make this fun and important Sunday a part of your weekend plans to celebrate.




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