Jan 1:36 AM


Jan 1:36 AM
Jan 1:36 AM


Lakeshore Friends—

I hope this finds you staying warm and staying upbeat.  If you’re like me and many others, January and February are the two toughest months to stay upbeat and energized.  The holidays have passed, the days are shorter than at any other time, the sun is rarely out to energize us, and every time we leave the house we have to freeze until our car warms up or we reach our destination.

Not fun.

But as I was finally back to work today after a bout with COVID last week, I was reminded how much being with others (like the staff and a few pastors I had lunch with) changed everything for the better.  Being together with people who share faith in Jesus can change everything, and having been away these past 10 days helped remind me of that again.

Feeling the blahs?  Battling to stay upbeat?  Low on energy or enthusiasm?  Let us help you by being together on Sunday.  Between services that help us worship God and grow spiritually, and the conversations and relationships that we engage in over coffee in the Atrium, we’ll find what we need to stay close to God and be more upbeat about life.

Let’s encourage each other this Sunday.  March is still a few weeks away!




Weekly notes from OUR Pastors, Staff, & Leaders

The Thursday Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week. It's sent out each week in our email newsletter, which also includes a list of featured events, opportunities, and more.