TOP 10: White As Snow (Originally Published 9-21-2020)
Friday, November 19, 2021
God gives us many tremendous promises of forgiveness, and today we are going to focus on one of them.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Isaiah 1:18
TOP 10 LIFE LIFTERS: For the next few weeks, we'll be re-releasing some of the top Life Lifters we've ever published since we started this devotional series. Join us as we look back at popular topics like prayer, joy, trust, and hope!
Our sins are bold, they're red, they're undeniable. They cannot be hidden. They're visible to everybody. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Imagine that, a big blood stain on your white t shirt, and then God says, "I'll make it white as snow. It's as if it's a brand new T shirt right out of the package and no remnant of that blood stain. Though our sins are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Again, he just goes from red to white. The amazing thing is that if you come to God in your rebellion, like Israel was challenged to do here in Isaiah 1!18, God will cleanse you. The basis of God's cleansing is Jesus Christ's blood. It's interesting to me that in Isaiah the idea of sin is painted as crimson red. The color of our blood is crimson red. It's almost like the blood of Christ, over and dealing with and engaging with the blood of our own guiltiness leads to white. It's like red plus red equals white. It's like the blood of Christ can cleanse any stain, because Jesus loves you that much. He wants to flip the script on your life. He wants to help you go from being a crimson mess to being a forgiven person.
Let's pray. Lord, I come to you as one who sins and needs tons of forgiveness. I'm sure everybody listening would agree that their own life would be the same. Thank you that you provided this cleansing opportunity that our sins can be white as snow. When we turn to you, like Israel on their rebellion, if we turn to you, we can find this forgiveness. We do that now. Forgive us our sins, Lord. Forgive the specific sins that we think of, that come to mind right now we give to you. Forgive us. Help us appreciate that we are as white as snow when we ask you to forgive us, in Jesus' name, Amen.
By Pastor Vince DiPaola
TOP 10: Competence at Work (Originally Published 8-4-2020)
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Today I am talking about one of the greatest traits you can have as an employee: competence.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Proverbs 22:29
TOP 10 LIFE LIFTERS: For the next few weeks, we'll be re-releasing some of the top Life Lifters we've ever published since we started this devotional series. Join us as we look back at popular topics like prayer, joy, trust, and hope!
Where do I get all this from? Look at Proverbs 22:29. It says, "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings he will not serve before obscure men." That word "skilled" is the same as "competent" in the language I'm using here. What's the proverb saying? By the way, proverbs are not promises. There's a difference. A proverb says that this is generally how life works. So, when you are competent and you're skilled at what you do, the proverb is saying that you're going to rise up in the ranks. You're going to start working and showing your skills before higher order people, not the obscure. When you are good at what you do, growing at what you do, everybody wants to keep you. You'll be the last person laid off. When people aren't getting raises, or very few are getting raises, you'll get them. And when people are getting raises, you'll get some of the highest raises, if you work at a good place of employment, because people who are good at what they do are special.
Are you good at what you do? Are you growing in your job? Are you asking your boss to learn new skills, going to new training, trying new things, given assignments and coming back with even more? If you're a stay at home Mom, are you building into your kids? Are you growing new parenting skills? Are you learning new ways to build into your children? Are you learning new ways to get good your profession as a parent? No matter what you do, you're either getting better or worse. It's very difficult to maintain. People who maintain, because the world is getting more complex and more challenging, even when you maintain you're really going down because the world is advancing and growing. Make it a goal to grow in competence. Father, thank you so much for helping the people reading this have more competence in their work. Help us all to eagerly learn new skills and to deliver their work as an excellent example of you and your excellence. We thank you for this in Jesus' name, amen.
By Pastor Vince DiPaola
Monday, November 15, 2021
Why do people suffer? Today, we are looking at the ultimate reason why you suffer.
Monday, November 15, 2021
1 Peter 4:16
TOP 10 LIFE LIFTERS: For the next few weeks, we'll be re-releasing some of the top Life Lifters we've ever published since we started this devotional series. Join us as we look back at popular topics like prayer, joy, trust, and hope!
Today, we are looking at the ultimate reason why you suffer. All are true, but this is the ultimate reason. Are you ready for it? The ultimate reason you suffer is to have an opportunity to glorify God. The Westminster Confession of Faith says this, "Man's chief end," meaning the chief purpose of human beings, "is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever." Sometimes one of the ways we can glorify God is in how we handle suffering. 1 Peter 4:16 tells us this in this very powerful verse. Peter says,"However, if you suffer as a Christian," as opposed to suffering for doing something silly and stupid, "if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear his name." Isn't that amazing? Praise God that you bear his name. The apostles were beaten in the book of Acts for talking about Jesus Christ. But they did not say, "Oh my gosh, I'm hurting. That hurt. I can't believe Jesus let me go through that," which was something you and I do sometimes. Instead, they left praising God that they were considered worthy by God to suffer for his name.
By Pastor Vince DiPaola
Roller Coaster Called Life
Friday, November 12, 2021
Roller coasters are amazing. However, the roller coaster of our lives isn't as fun as the physical roller coasters.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Philippians 4:11-113
One person who knew this all too well was the Apostle Paul. Paul had a life that was filled with ups and downs, turns, loop-de-loops, and his life was like a roller coaster. One place we can see that is in Philippians 4:11-13. He tells us how we can get through this roller coaster called life. Starting in verse 11, he says, "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." So, he's saying, "I've learned that in this roller coaster called life with its ups and with its downs, with its left turns and with its right turns, that in whatever situation, I need to be content. So in whatever he's going through, whether it's good or bad, I have learned what the secret is. The secret is, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
What Paul is saying here is that whatever it is that he went through, the good, the bad, the indifferent, all of it, he was able get through it because of Jesus. That's my encouragement to each and every one of you. It's the holiday season. Statistics show that the holiday season is probably the most depressing for people, because you have loss of family, friends that maybe have moved away, and family that have moved away. For a lot of people these bad memories come up around the holiday season. But it's a it's a time of joy as well. So I just encourage you, whatever you're feeling, whether it's a high or a low, whatever is going on in your life during this time, know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You don't do it alone. Not only does he walk with us, and he says he'll never leave us or forsake us, but he goes before us as well. So that's my encouragement to you, whatever you're going through, whatever situation you may be in today, just know that you can get through it with Jesus if you turn to Him.
By Pastor Antoine Evans
Work of Art
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
There were beautiful sculptures in there, beautiful pictures, photography, everything. And as I was looking at it and just admiring how beautiful all of this was, it reminded me that we are all considered masterpieces in God's eyes.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Ephesians 2:10
So today, we're going to look at Ephesians 2:10. It says, "For we are His workmanship, or his masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." The encouragement fro m here is that we are considered masterpieces in God's eyes. The world will tell you that you have to look this way, you have to do this, you have to do that, etc. if you want to be accepted, if you want to be considered beautiful, intelligent, athletic, or anything like that. The world says if you want to be accepted you have to be a certain way, but God tells us that we are his masterpieces, we are perfectly made in his eyes. There's nothing wrong with us. So, the encouragement right there is that you don't have to listen to the world when it says that you're not created perfectly, or that you're not put together the way that you should be. How you were created is how you were created. God did it with a purpose and with a plan, and he looks at you and he loves every part of you. So, just know that you are a masterpiece in his eyes. Just as a piece of artwork is loved and cherished by the artist, just as a sculpture is loved by the person who sculpted it, you are loved and cherished by the Creator that created you. So take that with you today and know that God loves you immensely.
By Pastor Antoine Evans
God's Gift to Us
Monday, November 8, 2021
Today we're talking about gifts. When I'm thinking about gifts, there's this perfect gift that we have that has been offered to each and every one of us.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Ephesians 2:8-9
Paul talks about this in Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of work so that no one may boast." What Paul's saying here is that salvation, is a gift from God. What Jesus did for us on the cross is a gift from God. What's awesome about this is it says it's not of our own doing, we can't do anything to earn this gift. If we do something to earn it, then it's no longer a gift. So, that's the encouragement for today is that we don't have to do anything in order to get this this free gift of salvation that God has given to us. He has given it to us out of his love, out of his grace, out of his mercy for us, because he loves us just that much. As we go into this holiday season with Christmas right around the corner, I encourage each and every one of you not just to remember that the gift of God is free, and we don't have to do anything for it, but remember it's a gift that we can give to other people. So whoever you come into contact with, let them know what Jesus has done for them, so that they can also receive that free gift of God. So that's all I have for today. I hope you were encouraged. Until next time, make sure to love yourselves, love others, but most of all, love God. God bless.
By Pastor Antoine Evans
Play to Your Strengths
Friday, November 5, 2021
I use this phrase all the time, and I really believe it's true. I believe it's biblical. It's called "playing to your strengths." How do you play to your strengths?
Friday, November 5, 2021
Romans 12:6
I want to talk about how we play to our strengths. The apostle Paul writes this in Romans 12:6 he says, "We all have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us." Here's what I love about this verse, I think this is so cool. He says, "we have different gifts," and when we hear the word "different," we understand it's not the same as something else. But the word "different" here in the original text means "more excellent." You see, we all play a very specific role. We have to understand that we don't need to look down on somebody or look differently at someone because they are gifted in a different way than you. In fact, we don't want everyone to be the same, because life would be pretty boring if we were all just like one another. God has created us this way, and it was all intentional according to the grace that He has given to each of us. So let me just encourage you with that today.
By Pastor Brian Pawlowski
Not Being Self-Seeking
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Today, I want to talk to you about this idea of what it means to be self-seeking, that oftentimes we find ourselves in a position where we're seeking how to satisfy ourselves.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
1 Corinthians 10:23-24
Today, I want to talk to you about this idea of what it means to be self-seeking, that oftentimes we find ourselves in a position where we're seeking how to satisfy ourselves. Now, here's the thing, it's not like we grew up knowing how to be selfless. In fact, we are hardwired to be selfish. We only think about ourselves, we only think about what's happening to us. That's how we come into this world. Hopefully, over time, if our parents are some influential characters in our lives, they had really taught us how to share, how to be polite, how to do all of those different things. But it doesn't come naturally, even after we learn it.
By Pastor Brian Pawlowski
Apologizing is Hard
Monday, November 1, 2021
Today, I want to talk to you about something that I have personally struggled with for many years. I know many other people have as well. It's the idea of apologizing.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Romans 12:3
I know this is hard, but but some of us are parents, we can implement this with our spouses, with other family, maybe people that we work with. The fact is, is apologizing is hard. But he says, "Do this in accordance with the faith that God has distributed to each of you." In other words, do this with the faith that God has given you. It is by grace that we have been saved, but it's also by grace that God has given us a sensible spirit. So if you're feeling heated, you feel like you have a conflict with somebody, or if you think "maybe I said something that really turned somebody the wrong way," I want to encourage you, and I want to challenge you today. Go apologize to that person. I know how hard it is. Oftentimes with my boys something comes up, or they say something, or I come in and I'm like, "Yes, I got this, right." And I realized I just broke them down in the process. I didn't mean to do that. So I want to just challenge you today. Maybe there's that person that you need to call or text and start that conversation to apologize. Don't be too proud. Be understanding, be sensible. Father, I want to pray for everyone right now who's dealing with this and we know how difficult it can be to apologize because it all comes down to our pride. I pray that we'd be able to swallow that and to make right with whoever we need to, whether it's our children, or our spouse, or family members, friends, co-workers, whoever that may be. Give us the courage to do so, so that we can follow what your Word says, and that we would distribute the faith that has been distributed to us. We thank you in Jesus' name, amen.
By Pastor Brian Pawlowski
Try a Little Kindness
Friday, October 29, 2021
It's so easy to not be kind. I always remember back in the VHS tape days, I don't know if you remember VHS tapes. I still have some of them...
Friday, October 29, 2021
Galatians 5:22e
So today I want to talk to you about another fruit of the Spirit. So far, we've talked about the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and patience. Today, I want to talk to you about the fifth fruit of the Spirit, which is kindness. Galatians 5:22e says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is... kindness." So, my title for this one is "Try a Little Kindness." It's so easy to not be kind. I always remember back in the VHS tape days, I don't know if you remember VHS tapes. I still have some of them, and those of you who know me really aren't surprised I still have some of them. But whenever you would go to Blockbuster (there's no such thing as Blockbuster anymore, but back when my kids were young you would rent videos from Blockbuster), the videos would always have a label on the outside that would say, "Please be kind and rewind." In other words, once you watch this movie, bring it back to the beginning so that when the next person gets it, they can have it rewound. I think sometimes that's the extent with which people will be kind, they just will rewind. I want to tell you that if you want to be kind, you have to put out effort to love people and to treat them charitably.
We need to be more kind. I forget who said it, but one of our presidents said, "I want us to be a kinder and gentler nation." I'm not sure our enemies would appreciate that, but if that met to each other, I would agree. If we can give kindness to people, I'll tell you what, people's spirits will be lifted up. A lot of people are unkind. If you drive down 390 around 7:45AM, you see that people can be unkind. If you go to the store for Black Friday sales and you want to buy something, people can be unkind. Sometimes in your neighborhood, everybody seems to have this one neighbor nobody likes, because he's so unkind. Here's the remedy. The remedy is not to say, "I will see your kindness and I'll raise it," like a little kind of parochial poker game. God wants us to show kindness. And the greatest proof of the Holy Spirit's presence in our life is when we show kindness in situations that might theoretically, in the world's eyes, justify unkindness. Your best opportunity to show the love of God is to be kind when someone is not kind to you.
"A gentle answer turns away wrath," Proverbs tells us. That is as opposed to an angry answer doesn't turn away wrath, but fuels it. That's what kindness is. Kindness is just saying, "no matter what, I'm going to treat you right." I was talking to somebody who was in the hospital, and they said the nurses treated them horribly. They had just got over covid and the nurse told her to flip over, and she says, "I can't flip." The nurse said, "I'm not coming back here again, etc." It was an unbelievable lack of kindness. One of our members (I'm so proud to call her one of our members), do you know what she did? She showed kindness to the nurse, and eventually the nurse was, I'd love to say perfectly nice, but the nurse was less mean. So here's what I want to say. Try a little kindness. All it costs you is a decision. Father, all of us could stand to be more kind, myself included. Help us to treat people with more kindness, so that we can show them your love and so that we can live in the fruit of the Spirit. We ask this In Jesus' name, amen.
By Pastor Vince DiPaola
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