Dec 12:38 PM

The Mystery of Christmas

Dec 12:38 PM
Dec 12:38 PM

DECEMBER 12, 2024

Lakeshore Friends—

We’re in the Christmas season.  Lights are all around us, parties are being planned, gifts are being purchased, and despite all the activities surrounding Christmas, so little of it is actually focused on what Christmas actually is or really means.  I wish it weren’t true, but it is.

Many people know some of the basic facts surrounding Christmas, even if for some it's a limited knowledge at best.  We know that it was the day that Jesus was born, that He was laid in a manger because there was no other place for Him to lay, it was in the winter, and Mary and Joseph were His parents.  What many don’t know or fail to appreciate about Christmas is a deeper understanding of this incredible, history-changing event and all that was involved with it. 

What a mystery that Jesus would leave heaven and come to earth in the miraculous and unusual way that He did! 

In this new series, The Mystery of Christmas, we'll explore some of the more incredibly mysterious and fascinating aspects of Christ’s arrival at Christmas, including the mystery of how God became a man, the mystery of what He has done and will do in the future, and the mystery of His choice of time in coming to earth over 2,000 years ago during the winter of 5/4 B.C. 


"What a mystery that Jesus would leave heaven and come to earth..."


Our goal is to help everyone go beyond a casual appreciation of Christmas so we can help you enjoy the birth of Jesus in a deeper and more significant way.

This is a great time to invite friends and family to join you!  I hope you’ll invite as many people as you can; don't underestimate what God can do through a simple invitation this Christmas.



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