Sep 3:19 PM

What's going on these days?

Sep 3:19 PM
Sep 3:19 PM

SEPTEMBER 26, 2024

What in the world is happening today? Everywhere you turn, you hear more bad news taking place locally, nationally, and globally. And on top of all of this, there are threats of more bad news on the time horizon. It would be hard for anyone with a straight face to say things are getting better these days...

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Sep 9:47 PM

Big risk, big reward

Sep 9:47 PM
Sep 9:47 PM

SEPTEMBER 19, 2024

The autumn twilight is coming earlier, the nights are cooler, days are still warm, and the leaves are starting to turn and fall.  One of my favorite things about this time of year is the distinct smell that autumn always brings.  It sends me back to autumns long ago and some of the things I most enjoyed...

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Sep 4:00 PM

Could this be what you're missing?

Sep 4:00 PM
Sep 4:00 PM

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

It’s so important that we have the right relationships in our lives, isn’t it?  Relationships with people that care for us deeply, and with whom we care for as well. People who will help us and who we can help. People who help us become better followers of Jesus and who we help do the same.

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Weekly notes from OUR Pastors

Here you'll find an archive of weekly updates from Pastor Vince and others. The Pastor's Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week.