MARCH 28, 2024
Lakeshore Friends—
The most holy weekend of the year is upon us. Has any weekend ever come even remotely close to Good Friday and Easter Sunday weekend? No weekend ever proved the greatness of Jesus more or offered the grace of God to people in need of it (which is all of us). For those of us who love Jesus Christ and have faith in Him, this is our chance to come to church and tell Him we worship Him as we’re taught about the resurrection.
But it’s also important for those who don’t yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It’s the one weekend of the year that more people are willing to go to church than any other. That means if we invite people, they are more likely to come than any other time. Will you make a few more invitations and provide a few more reminders to those you’ve already invited to come to Lakeshore this weekend?
On Good Friday, we’ll look at the ultimate reason and response for the death of Jesus on the cross. People need forgiveness in their lives.
On Easter, we’ll provide super evidence for the actual resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on Easter Sunday morning. People need to believe that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead and what that means for their eternal destiny.
So I hope to see you here on Friday evening and again on either Saturday night or Sunday morning for Easter services. Eternity is at stake. Let’s do all we can to help more people find eternal life in Jesus.
By the way, the 11 am service on Sunday is the most attended of all three Easter services. If you can attend another one of the three services, that would be great. Be sure to arrive early!
Weekly notes from OUR Pastors
Here you'll find an archive of weekly updates from Pastor Vince and others. The Pastor's Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week.