Aug 9:15 AM

Why Holiness Matters

Aug 9:15 AM
Aug 9:15 AM

AUGUST 18, 2022


Lakeshore Friends—

In case you missed it, last Sunday we celebrated Pastor Frank’s 20 years of ministry at Lakeshore.  It’s hard to put into words how grateful all of us who know Frank are that he has served God here for this long.  He is a man of integrity who loves God, loves people, and loves to help people grow in their faith.  I think he is the best Executive Pastor a church could ask for.

So I am glad we were able to recognize him last Sunday.  We give all staff who reach 10-year anniversaries a gift of appreciation to tangibly thank them, and many of you have.  If you would like to give a gift above and beyond your regular giving to Pastor Frank, you can do so here.

The bigger principle for all of us to remember from this occasion is the power of faithfulness.  When we are faithful to God, there is tremendous spiritual power and vibrancy that comes from that.  When we are faithful to our spouse, children, fiancé, family, friends or anyone else, there is incredible relational power and trust that comes from that.  When are faithful at work, in our neighborhood, and everywhere we go, there’s power in that as well.

No is perfectly faithful all the time because, as James 4:3 says, “we all stumble in many ways.”  But our aim should always be towards faithfulness in all we do, say, and think.  My hope is that all of us strive to be faithful so that God can help us experience His power in our lives




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