Jun 12:37 PM

What life is all about

Jun 12:37 PM
Jun 12:37 PM

JUNE 8, 2023



Last Sunday, we had 13 people baptized as followers of Jesus Christ.  We had people who ranged in age from just over 10 years old through adults in their 70s (and all ages in between).  Each story was unique and carefully orchestrated by the God who rescues every human from sin through their faith in Jesus Christ, and yet He chose to use Lakeshore as the church to make it happen.  What a privilege!

I never tire of seeing lives transformed by Jesus Christ, especially when they happen through the ministry of our church.  During the services, I keep shouting, “Yes!  Yes!” after each baptism.  Pastor Brian Rathbun and I kept watching baptism after baptism and saying to each other, “How about that?”.  You could feel the energy in the auditorium and the atrium was at very high levels because I think everyone knows this simple truth: You can’t argue with a changed life!  And God changes them for eternity!

I hope these Sundays encourage you in some way.  Maybe it helps reminds you again how powerful baptism is, or maybe it makes you want to know more about baptism and faith in Jesus, or maybe it just makes you excited to be a part of a church that still sees people coming to faith in Jesus and getting baptized to proclaim it to the world! (Matthew 28:18-20)

Just know that after the work of God produces these results, He used every single one of you to make it happen!




Your invitations for people to attend services with you, your prayers for people, your involvement in some ministry, your friendly welcome of people who attend, and your financial support that funds everything that happens here are all human reasons why we are still making an impact in Rochester and beyond.

So thank you!  And thank God that He is using you to accomplish His will in the lives of many people.

This is what life is all about.



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