Jun 3:48 PM


Jun 3:48 PM
Jun 3:48 PM


Lakeshore Friends—

Have you ever had someone tell you something about yourself that came as a total surprise, in a good way?  Maybe they told you that you are a really thoughtful person, and you never “thought” you were.  Perhaps they said that you’re a giving person, and you just assumed everyone was that way.  Or it could be that they told you that you’re such a loving person, and it just overwhelmed you with joy.

It’s pretty amazing to discover something positive about yourself that you didn’t fully realize or appreciate.  It can change how you live for the better and give your life the lift that it needs.

Over the next two Sundays, that’s what we’re going to look at, except that it will not be how others see us, but how God sees us through His eyes.  We will discover 10 things that can transform our identity so powerfully that it can give us the purpose, meaning, and joy for living that God intended from the beginning.

Want to know how God sees every single Christian?  Join us on Sunday and find out!




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