We can only stand strong by faith
AUGUST 1, 2024
Lakeshore Friends—
I’m sure you’ve heard about the opening ceremony of the Olympics and what was a blatant mockery of Christianity in general and Jesus’ last supper in particular. I really appreciated what Pastor Frank had to say about it during his message last Sunday. It’s sad that this always happens to Christianity and Christians, but never to other religious leaders or their belief systems. Ever notice that? Can you imagine if they had done this to Islam, Hinduism, or some other world religion?
Neither can I.
The reason for the open mockery of Christianity and not other religions by the world should be obvious— Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) and many people simply reject it (and reject Him) for it. So they do all they can to attack our faith to fight against it. It’s a sad reaction to a Savior who bled and died for their sins out of love.
So what’s the answer? We have to live “by faith!” We have to live for God knowing that there really is a great reward ahead for all those who trust Him and live for Him “by faith.”
That’s why I believe that this summer series is so important for all of us to go through and learn from. We need to live “by faith” and Hebrews 11 is God’s hall of fame list of heroes who have done just that. I believe that God led us to teach this at a time like this for a reason. We need models to help us live for Him “by faith,” even when we are opposed by people who don’t like our God and, as a result, don’t like us. Who knows, it may be that it could lead to some of these people embracing Jesus “by faith?"
I hope you’ll be here Sunday as I return to continue this series. I heard about someone who told me that he struggles with his faith and wanted to be here each week to learn more about faith and becoming a Christian. He’s been here every week. I hope you will share that same hunger to grow “by faith” as well.
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