Thank you moms!
May 10:54 AM

Thank you moms!

May 10:54 AM
May 10:54 AM

MAY 9, 2024


Lakeshore Friends—

Where would we be without mothers?

God in His infinite wisdom has created mothers to do things that no one else could ever do.  Think of all they did and do for us:

Mothers give us life by carrying us in their bodies.

Mothers often feed us from their own bodies.

Mothers bring us the nurturing we all need as we grow up.

Mothers have a strong hand in setting the culture of our homes.

Mothers are models for young girls on what a woman should be.

Mothers are models for young boys on what to look for in a future wife.

Mothers are the ones we see athletes say “hi” to on the sidelines of a game.

Mothers are amazing.  No, they aren’t perfect, because no one is.  And yes, sometimes our mothers may disappoint us to one degree or another.  But there’s one thing I will always say: “Thank you God for creating this beautiful thing called motherhood!”

Make sure you show love to your mother on Sunday, and every day.  If your mother has passed, thank God for all the positive contributions she made in your life. Best of all, bring your mom to church on Sunday, if you can, so we can celebrate her together!



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