Power-packed prayer
Jan 5:29 PM

Power-packed prayer

Jan 5:29 PM
Jan 5:29 PM

JANUARY 11, 2024



Most Americans believe in prayer, and a majority of us pray at least daily.  I’m sure that isn’t a surprise to very many of you.

What’s likely more interesting is that with so many people who practice some type of prayer, why is it that these same people don’t seem like they experience the full power of prayer in their lives?  Why don’t they see the answers to prayer that they hope for?  Why is prayer sometimes offered as only a last resort when things get difficult?  Perhaps most notably, why doesn’t this majority who believe in prayer see it lead to a better situation for their lives and for the nation as a whole?  Afterall, the Bible promises that prayer is powerful and effective.

That’s a nagging question for many, but it doesn’t need to be.  God gives us clear directions on prayer, like what it is and is not, who it’s properly directed to, how to do it in a way that pleases Him, and so much more.  The more we pray in ways that are aligned with God’s directions, the more likely it is that we will see the answers that we expect (and most definitely see the answers that are best for us from Him).

How about you?  How’s your prayer life?  How often do you pray?  Do you follow (or know) what God is looking for when you pray?

We’ll look at the answer to these questions and more on Sunday.  If you want to pray in ways that will help you see more of God at work in your life, learn how to pray the way that God commands us to.

You’ll see powerful answers when you offer Him effective prayers.



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