Apr 4:07 PM

Happy Birthday & Marriage Matters

Apr 4:07 PM
Apr 4:07 PM

APRIL 13, 2023



This past weekend was a great one for our church.  Between Good Friday service and our Easter services, we had 1,318 people which is up by about 300 people from last year.  Though we haven’t fully returned to pre-covid attendance levels, we continue growing closer to them.  We hope that the services were both meaningful and impactful, and thanks to those who invested in people and invited them to church.  I had a few friends show up and it made my day.

This Sunday, we’ll kick off a new series and celebrate our birthday as a church.  On Sunday, we turn 28 years old! Looking back, it was April 16, 1995, and such an amazing day in our history!  




The weather was nice but chilly.  After three practice services the previous three Sundays, and after 14,464 direct mailers were sent out to all homeowners 54 years old and younger (I was only 33 years old back then), Lakeshore held its first public service... In a bar... At the Marriott hotel... That held 75 adults comfortably... The rest had to sit in a booth and watch the service... Sideways (you paid a price for being late back then).  On that day, 112 people showed up and three people became Christians in the somewhat beer-scented bar.  It was an exciting day for our family and many others.  Lakeshore Church was born. 

God has done amazing things since then:

  • 765 people have been baptized
  • About 1,250 people have professed a first-time faith in Christ
  • Just over half of our attenders are involved in serving somewhere in the church
  • We’ve given away about $1.2 million to world missions to impact our world for Jesus

Though time has passed, we are still passionate about reaching people in Rochester!  In truth, that’s not the norm because most churches gradually turn inward and focus on their own needs above all else.  I am convinced that our best days are still ahead of us.  I hope you do too.

Thank you for your part and for being passionate about the unique mission that God has given us.  Sue and I thank God for you!  After God, you’re the reason why we’re still impacting people and helping them discover and develop a growing relationship with Jesus.  People still matter to God, and I know they still matter to so many of you.  That’s why we honor God when we invest in and invite others.

Happy birthday to you, to us!



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