Aug 8:44 AM

God is just

Aug 8:44 AM
Aug 8:44 AM

AUGUST 4, 2022


Hey Lakeshore—

We really hope this series has been helpful as we do our best to describe who God is.  It’s no small feat to try and define an infinite God using finite words and time.

With that, however, we firmly believe that if you don’t have an accurate understanding of who God is, that will directly impact the way you view your circumstances and even how you view yourself.  But when we do understand Him, it changes how we view our lives.

This week, we're going to talk about an attribute that has profound implications for our everyday lives.  The fact that God is Just.  So many things happen in our lives and we can find ourselves thinking that life isn’t fair or that God has forgotten about us.  But, that’s not true.

This is a big one, so if you’re really struggling with making heads or tails of this world lately, I want to invite you to church on Sunday at 9AM or 11AM as we dig in to this.  Can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

In Him,



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