Sep 8:50 AM

God is faithful!

Sep 8:50 AM
Sep 8:50 AM

SEPTEMBER 22, 2022


Lakeshore friends—

This Sunday will be one of the most special in our church’s history.  After 27 years, we are debt free and our mortgage is paid in full! We'll celebrate that during and after each service on Sunday as we conclude our “God Is…” series “God Is Faithful!”

It’s hard to put into words how this makes me feel.  It seemed like a day that I could hardly imagine coming.  For so many years, my focus was just to hold a mortgage that we could afford to hold.  Now, it’s paid in full.  God gets all the glory for this.  Yet, He has used so many people to help make this day possible.  Thousands of people, many of whom aren’t even here today.  Many of you have had a part in it, too.  Small or big, you helped make it happen.

What will happen now that we have our mortgage paid off?  In short, we will have more money to spend on the things we will need to invest in so that we help more people find faith in Jesus— both locally and around the world.  We call them “The 6 M’s”, and I’ll cover more of the details on Sunday.

So if you love Lakeshore and what God is doing at Lakeshore, be here to celebrate this monumental day!

Thank you for making this day happen.




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