NOVEMBER 22, 2023
I hope you enjoyed the Relational Vampires series and learned some important lessons on how to respond in love to those people who 'suck the life out of us,' whether it’s the critic who hurts us, the needy person who drains us, the manipulator who uses us, the hypocrite who frustrates us, or the gossip who tries to put us down (to lift themselves up). Maybe this series was perfectly timed for the holiday season and all the people we will be relating to over the next few weeks.
I also want to thank those of you who filled a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Lakeshore contributed 323 boxes and in total we collected 1,656 boxes from the area. You will make the Christmas of many children around the world brighter, all while pointing them to Jesus.
Speaking of that, we will have another opportunity for everyone to help the poor as we begin a new series on Sunday, From Hunger to Hope. We’ll learn more about the poverty crisis in our world and how we will help meet needs through Making Waves 2024. This Sunday, we’ll focus on the second biggest beneficiary of our Making Waves giving, ORPHANetwork, and we'll be privileged to host Bob Cleary, OPRHANetwork's CEO. You will love his heart and learn more about what God is doing in Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the western hempisphere. The following Sunday, December 3, we’ll celebrate Feed My Starving Children weekend and close out this short series.
I want to wish you all a fantastic Thanksgiving! In 1621, the first Thanksgiving was held by the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony (present-day Massachusetts). In search of religious freedom, the Pilgrims had left their home in England for the New World. After enduring a difficult first year, they held a feast to thank God for His provisions and blessings. What an important lesson and reminder. Even when times are hard and life is difficult, we can always find thousands of reasons to thank Godd, and I hope you will every day (1 Thessalonians 5:18), especially on Thursday as we celebrate this important holiday with family, friends, food, football, and faith!
One thing I truly thank God for is you! Thanks for being a great part of Lakeshore.
Weekly notes from OUR Pastors, Staff, & Leaders
The Thursday Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week. It's sent out each week in our email newsletter, which also includes a list of featured events, opportunities, and more.