NOVEMBER 30, 2023
This week is a busy one here at Lakeshore and everything going on is so important and exciting to be a part of.
Earlier tonight, we continued our series in the book of Revelation by looking at the first half of the final 7 years of life on earth before Jesus returns. We looked at the “seal judgments” and the four horseman of the apocalypse. Who is the rider on the white horse? (hint: it’s not Jesus, but the exact opposite person). Who is the rider on the red horse? The black horse? The Ashen horse? What will happen to Christians then (those who are not a part of the Rapture that happened just before the start of the 7-year tribulation? What will happen to the environment? This fascinating chapter tells us how the end of the world begins. The good news is that true Christians have nothing to fear! Those who are not, however, will. If you missed tonight's Midweek service, you can watch it here.
On Friday night and Saturday, we'll be packing over 160,000 meals for Feed My Starving Children and it will be payed for through our giving to Making Waves 2024 (Guests who attend the event and are not a part of Lakeshore will be encouraged to donate $50/person to cover their costs). It is one of the most energizing and action-packed events of the year and to think of the stomachs that we will fill and the lives that God will change through us is overwhelming. I look forward to seeing you there if you’ve signed up to pack food.
On Sunday, we’ll wrap up our short series, “From Hunger To Hope”, and announce the packing totals from Feed My Starving Children. We’ll also explain how you can be a part of helping those in need through Making Waves 2024.
Hope to see you here throughout the rest of the week and on Sunday!
Weekly notes from OUR Pastors, Staff, & Leaders
The Thursday Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week. It's sent out each week in our email newsletter, which also includes a list of featured events, opportunities, and more.