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Lakeshore Friends—
Sometime shortly after our church began and I was carrying the load of trying to get it established, someone told me something I have never forgotten since then: the true sign of our leadership is not how things go when we’re around but when we’re not around. The point is that a true leader is always looking to empower and encourage others to be the best they can be so that they are more involved and the leader over them is less needed.
I mention this to say that we have a great staff of people who aren’t afraid to lead and lead well.
During the past few weeks as I have worked from home and taken some vacation time, our staff have led and led well. We’ve heard messages from pastors Frank De Luccio and Brian Pawlowski and both did a great job. You’ll hear from pastor Brian Rathbun a couple times toward the end of the summer. Pastor Antoine is doing a good job of establishing Lakeshore Students and leading Flower City work camp. Jill Freese, our Lakeshore Kids Director, continues to ramp up our children’s ministry with her trademark excellence in teaching and curriculum to help our children learn about God’s truth in the Bible at age appropriate levels. Our other staff do an amazing job of behind the scenes work each week as well.
I can’t thank God enough for this group of dedicated people who work each week to make sure that we strive for excellence in all we do. It sure makes leadership a lot easier for me and effective for all of us.
This Sunday, I will be continuing our series Upping Your Emotional IQ with a message on worry. Most people worry about things we shouldn’t and as a result they are left with what the Longman Dictionary describes as “an uncomfortable feeling in the mind caused by a mixture of fear and uncertainty.” Sound like something you struggle with? The truth is that to one degree or another we all do, and that’s why Jesus addressed the subject of how to win over worry in the very heart of his amazing Sermon on the Mount. I’ll share four potent ways from Matthew 6:25-34 on how to worry less and trust more.
Why not invite a friend to join you on Sunday? I look forward to seeing you (or just you seeing me if you’re online).
Weekly notes from OUR Pastors
Here you'll find an archive of weekly updates from Pastor Vince and others. The Pastor's Update is meant to bring you encouragement and thoughts to ponder as you go through your week.