Oct 11:17 PM

We call it Good News because it really is!

Oct 11:17 PM
Oct 11:17 PM

OCTOBER 13, 2022


Lakeshore Friends—

What if I told you that you just won the Lottery and you have a choice of being paid a lump sum of $50 million dollars or getting $2 million a year for the rest of your life?  Understanding that God has a dim view of gambling, let’s just say that you were given the ticket by a friend...  I “bet” you’d be excited, wouldn’t you?  After tithing $5 million to Lakeshore (it’s free to dream, isn’t it?), you’d be set for life…. but just this life!

Now, what if I told you that after you die, you will spend eternity with the living God in bliss and joy that is so incredible that it is simply unspeakable to describe?  All your aches and pains and problems would disappear and all you would do is wonder in amazement at why God would let you spend eternity with Him.  You’d be set for more than life… you’d be set for eternity!

Anyone of a sane mind would choose the latter every time, right?  And yet, we don’t always spend our days on earth thinking that the latter is infinitely greater than the former because if we did, we would tell everyone we could about how to spend eternity in heaven.

On Sunday, I will cover the third and final “D” of 3D Christianity: Declaring!  It’s something that few of us do as well as we’d like (me very much included), and yet something that is important for others to hear (see Romans 10:14).  And the Good News is that there are ways to do it that make it more natural and relatable to the people we talk to.

I hope you’ll be here on Sunday if you want to live the Christian life to its fullest and experience the joy that comes from it that Jesus Himself promised us.




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