Christmas Eve Services »

Sep 8:55 AM

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Sep 8:55 AM
Sep 8:55 AM



Lakeshore friends—

Something always seems to change after Labor Day weekend.  We hear that it’s the “unofficial end of summer” (sorry, I’m waiting for the official end, aren’t you?).  We also hear it’s the “back to” season.  How would you finish this sentence: “It’s now back to _______”?

  • "It’s now back to school for our kids.”  I hear some people shouting, “Yippee!”
  • "It’s now back to work after the long weekend.”  I hear absolutely no one shouting, “Yippee!”
  • “It’s now back to cooler weather and shorter days.”  See comment above :)

Whatever you may be thinking, I will tell you what I and most other pastors are thinking this week: “It’s now back to church for people.” 

I wish that was true.  While it is true that after Labor Day some people who were not at church very much during the summer start to come back to church, others won’t come back until later in the year…. sometimes it’s not until Christmas Eve.  It’s also true that some people never get back into the rhythm of church attendance after the summer and stay away for a long time.  That’s a tragedy I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

So how about you?  Is this the time you need to reevaluate your church attendance habits?  Could this be an inflection point that you use to say that your life will now revolve around Sunday mornings with God first, and the rest of the demands and opportunities in life second? (Matthew 6:33)  Maybe you’re already a consistent attender and nothing changes for you because you have never left.

My hope (and the hope of every church leader this week) is that it’s the start of “back to church” for all of you who are reading this. 

When you’re ready, we’re here to help you grow.




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